My greatest relationships and bonds have been forged with an abundance of food cultivated with love and care. Every gathering with friends and family; always a feast. Breaking bread together, sharing laughs, and stories is how I’ve always made deep and meaningful connections with people. No greater joy exists for me than to have my house full of people (family, friends, strangers; literally anyone) and for them to eat a meal I made and leave feeling the love I poured into preparing it.
In My Family Food = Love
I learned to cook from the most important and influential people in my life; my mom, dad, and grandmother. My family’s journey to veganism was quick and mostly seamless, and rewarding in all the ways. As we swapped our chicken for tofu and our ground beef for lentils; I knew that with every meal, I was impacting the livelihood of animals and our planet. I was setting up myself, my husband, and our children for a healthier future. With every non-vegan friend or family member who marveled over my plant-based delicacies, I knew I could make a difference if more people could enjoy them.
I am determined to set a strong example for my kids to have empathy and compassion for the world around us. To hope others will join us, even if just a few plant-based meals a week.
As a daughter of a Latino and a Brit, who was born in Hawaii, raised in Europe, and an American through-and through; I was sure to balance everything by connecting my heritage and life experiences when creating the Vine Vegan menu.
With this in my heart and support from my family and friends, I bring you vegan dishes that I hope will blow your mind.
This is my mission: to bring people together over food, capture the culture of community, and use ridiculously delicious vegan food to do it.
I welcome all who are curious, or defiant, or courageous. We want you to eat well and feel good about what you eat. And with every spoonful I hope there to be love, compassion, and open-mindedness.
With Love,